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别名: 心理搜查官楯冈绘麻特别篇恶魔的学问


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  • 2023 4.0
  • 1985 3.0


      健美班女教练阿芝(梅艳芳 饰)和隔壁的私人侦探阿佐(万梓良 饰)是一对欢喜冤家,两人一见面便口角不断,笑话连连。                                                                      某天,四个劫匪抢劫了富商曹先生的名贵钻石,逃亡途中阴差阳错将钻石掉到了阿芝那里。一无所知的阿芝随后遭到劫匪们的追杀,最终被绑架而去。渐渐喜欢上阿芝的阿佐眼看心上之人身陷虎口,懊恼不已。幸亏其助手IQ博士送给阿芝的防狼器中藏有跟踪器,二人一路追踪到劫匪

  • 2017 8.0



  • 2023 6.0



  • 2011 5.0
  • 2014 7.0


    《无邪气乐园》于2014年3月27日宣布动画化,随2014年8月29日发售的单行本第6卷限定版同捆推出。2015年8月28日发售的单行本第8卷限定版则将同捆推出全新的OVA。故事讲述25岁一无所成浑浑噩噩度日的废材男主角反田省太在看到曾经的同学们个个光鲜艳丽前途光明,不禁自惭形秽。沮丧的省太在同学会后,不慎失足掉入泳池,结果竟然时光倒流、带著25岁的心智回到10岁的过去回到了10岁的时候!原本在他印象里成熟妩媚的女同学们,现在全都变回了小学5年级的小女生。在省太谢天谢地的同时,他发现了一个事实:发育中的青春肉体与天真无邪的儿童心灵,反倒是个令他无福消受的致命组合。OAD01 漫画单行本第6卷限定版OAD,2014年8月29日发售。OAD02 漫画单行本第8卷限定版OAD,2015年8月28日发售。OAD03 漫画单行本第10卷限定版OAD,2016年8月29日发售。

  • 1975 5.0


    A few years before he went on to make a big splash in the cannibal sub-genre, Ruggero Deodato directed this successful rip-off of Roman Polanski's brilliant Knife in the Water. Naturally, being an Italian film - there's more of a focus on sex than the relationship between the central couples, but the claustrophobic atmosphere and entertaining characters help to keep the tension... (展开全部)   A few years before he went on to make a big splash in the cannibal sub-genre, Ruggero Deodato directed this successful rip-off of Roman Polanski's brilliant Knife in the Water. Naturally, being an Italian film - there's more of a focus on sex than the relationship between the central couples, but the claustrophobic atmosphere and entertaining characters help to keep the tension bubbling over, which ensures that the movie is interesting for the duration. The film doesn't have nearly as much 'bite' as Cannibal Holocaust and most of the rest of Ruggero Deodato's filmography, but it's obvious that even with this early film; Deodato is a director with the potential to make a mark on cinema. The plot is simple in that it just focuses on two couples. George and Silvia invite Irem and Barbara for a weekend cruise on their yacht. It soon transpires that George isn't the most sensitive man to ever live, and Silvia doesn't seem to mind him treating her badly. The situation escalates, and Irem and Barbara join forces with Silvia for vengeance against George...and three way sex, of course.

  • 2023 1.0
  • 1991 10.0


    本片由五个发生在同一时间,不同国家地区的小故事组成,每个故事都描述了的士司机与乘客的一次短暂遭遇。洛杉矶晚上7:07,假小子司机柯基(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)载着她的客人维多利亚(吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰)回酒店,恰巧负责电影选角的维多利亚看中了柯基,然而柯基却告诉她自己想成为一名机械师……纽约晚上10:07,黑人青年尤尤终于拦到了一辆的士,却发现司机是一名根本不会开车且语言不通的外国老人赫尔穆特(阿明·缪勒-斯塔尔 Armin Mueller-Stahl 饰),尤尤只好主动提出由他来开车……巴黎凌晨4:07,年轻的黑人司机把两名出言侮辱他的非洲乘客撵下车后,上来了一位美貌的盲女(碧翠斯·黛尔 Béatrice Dalle 饰),他立即对她产生了好奇与怜悯,却发现她比自己更能在这世界上辨明方向。……本片由贾木许自编、自导、自制而成,他在大约八天内完成了剧本创作,各个故事发生的地点则根据他想合作的演员而定。电影原声带则来自于他的老拍档民谣大师Tom Waits。©豆瓣

  • 2022 2.0

    22-23赛季德甲第8轮 RB莱比锡VS波鸿

    10月1日 22-23赛季德甲第8轮 RB莱比锡VS波鸿

  • 1956 1.0


    Captain Vinka Kovelenko defects from Russia, but not for political reasons. She defects because she feels discriminated against as a woman. Captain Chuck Lockwood gets the order to show her the bright side of capitalism, while she tries to convince him of the superority of communism. Naturaly, they fall in love, but there's still the KGB, which doesn't like the idea of having a...

  • 2019 2.0



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